
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Apartment Lopong

Ada sebuah bangunan apartment di Hong Kong yang dibina dengan senibina yang unik. Rekabentuk apartment tersebut dibina dengan meninggalkan sebuah ruang lompong terbuka di bahagian tengah.

Apartment tersebut beralamat di 109 Repulse Bay Rd iaitu sebuah lokasi tepi laut. Ia dibina begitu kerana kepercayaan feng shui bahawa lubang tersebut sebagai laluan naga turun dari bukit menuju laut. 

Apartment berlubang

Perhatikan ruang lopong di bahagian tengah blok apartmen

Gambar penuh apartment berlubang

Nota: Berikut adalah petikan sebuah artikel berkaitan senibina apartment berlubang (sumber - citylifehk)

Central is not the only location of buildings based on feng shui. On the south side of the island, in one of Hong Kong's most expensive and beautiful beachfront areas, sits the famous Repulse Bay 'building with a hole' (109 Repulse Bay Road). In accordance with feng shui principles, the large square hole in the middle of this apartment building was left open to allow wind and Qi to pass between the harbour and the mountain, much like the HSBC building. However, it is believed that the hole is also necessary to allow the dragon which resides in the mountain to have an open view and access to the water.
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