Sekitar Masjid Tonson
Waktu sampai ke Masjid Tonson para jemaah sudah selesai solat zohor. Ada beberapa jemaah yang berbual di meja luar masjid dan mereka menegur dengan memberi salam. Namun mereka cuma boleh bertutur bahasa Thai.
Masjid Tonson
Bangunan asal Masjid Tonson dibuat dari kayu
Kubur Muslim di luar bersebelahan Masjid Tonson
This is the old mosque founded in Ayutthaya period during the reign of King Narai the Great in 1688. It was built by Chao Phraya Ratchawangsanseni (Mahmud). In 1952 the new building was transformed into a reinforced concrete since the former architecture was too old to rebuilt. The twin pine tree (ton son) was planted in front of the gate of mosque wall. And the mosque's name was officially changed to Ton Son Mosque.
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