Dundee's The Law
Satu lagi tempat yang menjadi tumpuan di Dundee adalah The Law. Sunggoh pun namanya 'The Law' tapi tempat ini tiada kaitan langsung dengan undang-undang atau kehakiman. Sebaliknya ia adalah poin paling tinggi di Dundee. Lokasinya di atas bukit dan amat signifikan di segi geologi pembetukannya.
Extract from wiki - Geology of Dundee (link):
Dundee city lies within the Sidlaw-Ochil anticline, and the predominant bedrock type is Old Red Sandstone of the Arbuthnott-Garvock group. Differential weathering of a series of igneous intrusions has yielded a number of prominent hills in the landscape, most notably the Dundee Law (a late Silurian/early Devonian Mafic rock intrusion.
Sebuah monumen di kawasan The Law
(At the top of The Law is a war memorial to the fallen in both world wars which is lit on significant days - link)
(At the top of The Law is a war memorial to the fallen in both world wars which is lit on significant days - link)
The Law yang diliputi salji nipis
Baca The Law - Dundee city's most distinctive and enduring landmark - dundeelawinfo.
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